Dream destination: SEYCHELLES

We have it! This video represent our 8-day trip to Seychelles in exactly 131 seconds. These are the beauties of the Praslin island, St. Pierre, La Digue and the largest island named Mahe. For all other Seychelles tips, just click heeere. We hope that you are excited about the video
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With 115 islands, the Seychelles are definitely a dream destination for those who want to lying under the palm trees on long sandy beaches, swimming and snorkelling in a turquoise blue sea, admiring nature and generally enjoying the tranquil atmosphere that reigns on virtually the entire archipelago. 8 days of
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At the end of our journey, we stopped on the main island, Mahe, where live almost 90 percent of the whole population of Seychelles, and most of them live in the capital of Victoria. The tranquil and casual island atmosphere we have been accustomed so far, has quickly been replaced
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We continued our journey on the island of La Digue… a really small island. It is 5 kilometers long and only 3 kilometers wide and depending on population, it is still the third biggest isle on Seychelles. Yeah, it is small as hell 🙂 There are only a few cars
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Our first destination was the second largest island of Seyschelles - Praslin, which is only 20 minutes by plane away from the main island of Mahe. A flight with a small plane that accommodates only 16 people, is a unique experience that can be extremely adrenaline and at times not
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This time, our trip will be a little different than we are used to, we will visit three continents in ten days! Perhaps at first glance, this really seems like and extremely crowded travel plan, but according to the calculations, this will be a really great daily schedule for us
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