Yeah .. we have a video too! And yes, as you can see from the title – it’s Greek, or. Cretan, to be more precise. This trip to Crete was really cool for us, so we need to show you a little more. Borut says that his favorite part is there when he jumps into the pool 😃 ..yes, now we all know that he’s the master of the elegant jump 😃 What do you think?
The largest Greek island, Crete
Despite the fact that the corona virus has already ruined many of our travel plans this year, we still remained optimistic and it was totally worth it! At the last minute we bought a plane tickets and flew to a country we have not been before ☺️ Greece or, to be more precise, to the largest Greek island → Crete.
Due to the uncertain situation, we decided to spend only a week on Crete, which is too little for many (maybe they are even right), but we still saw a lot, and we still had some time for a real summer vacation.